Studio Basics

Merchandise Open House

August 18th, 3:00-7:00
August 22nd, 4:00-7:00


To register please click on the registration tab. You will be taken to our studio portal where you can create your family account and then enroll in classes. If you are not sure which class to take please email or text me and I would be more than happy to make sure they get into the correct age and level class.

Our Dance Season Schedule:

Our dance season begins on the Monday after Labor Day and ends with our recital which is always the Saturday of Mothers Day Weekend. We have a holiday break from the week of Thanksgiving until the first Monday in January. We also take off the week of Wausau School Districts Spring Break.

Summer Session is always the 4 Mondays in June.

Tuition Policies:

  • 30 minute classes are $35 per month

  • Elite 1 hour classes are $50 per month

  • Family discount rate is $10 off every 3rd class and above. Elite not included in class total.

Classes are billed on the 1st of the month and are due to be paid the first week of every month. Any lessons not paid by the 15th of the month will receive a $20 late fee each month. Costume deposits of $60 are due for each class on November 15th. (Elite has 2 deposits) Auto Pay is now available.

Once October lessons have begun you are committed to keeping and paying for your spot through May. If for any reason your child will be stopping their instruction this information will need to be submitted in writing. Insufficient Funds checks will receive a $35 charge for bank fees incurred.

Communication is KEY:

The best way to stay in touch with any new or important information is through email or our Facebook page. If there is inclement weather, please check these before heading in for class to be sure things are still on. Please make sure that your email is correct in the parent portal and like us on Facebook. The only other issue with communication is that you need to be sure to read the information sent out. This is the key to avoiding hassles and issues that might upset your child in the long run. We want this process to be easy and fun for everyone involved. If you ever have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact Heidi.

Dancer Attire:

Dancers need to wear form fitted, workout type clothing. Leotards and tights can be worn but are not required. Absolutely no jeans, dancers will be asked to sit out of class if not prepared accordingly. No overly loose baggy clothing or long sleeves hanging over fingers as this impedes our ability to see the dancers body and alignment. All dancers must purchase the correct shoes to go with their style of class. This is best done at our Merchandise Open House but I can also order at any time throughout the year.

Studio Etiquette:

Parents are welcome to observe classes from one of our 2 waiting rooms. Please remember this is a learning environment and therefore keep the noise and chaos to a minimum. No street shoes allowed in the dance room. Please do not drop your children off more that 10-15 minutes early and make sure you are there to pick them up at the time their class finishes. For safety, please advised your children to wait inside the waiting room for you rather than outside in the parking lot.

Our Year End Recital:

We will have 2 performances on the Saturday of Mother’s Day at the Grand Theater. Dancers in our younger classes will perform in ONE show and the rest will perform in both. Dancers will purchase a costume for each class (2-3 for Elite). Tickets go on sale 3 weeks prior to the performance and can be purchased through the Performing Arts Foundation.